Sunday, October 11, 2009

Character design 2

This is the 3rd character design. I really had a hard time on this, that's because I need to combine the element of sports and fantasy together. It means that your character such as (cyclops, witch, alien, horned demond etc) have to look cool but at the same time, the character must look like a rugby player. It made me mad while trying to combine both elements. In the end, I just added shoulder pad, knee guard and some numbers and logos... Due to the time constrain (2 weeks less than the others because to reservist) it was even tougher for me to concentrate since I've other homework to catch up.

Nevertheless, this time I used another grey scale to colour the shadows and apply another layer of colour on it. If you look carefully, it is not very well done especially on the line work.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

VFX and 2nd character painting

The video is my first VFX (visual Effects) project and it was a KILLER!!! I was quite lost when JD was teaching... really dread it.... I use my tired man animation and put it into the ruin... the effect SUCKS! Lotsa tweaking is required and I did not really have much time for this... however, I believe that I can do better if I were to have more time.

This time, the character painting all done by myself and I tried to make it as realistic as possible, but when I compared this with Raynkazuya from deviantart... I'm no where near... come to my facebook if you want to take a look at it without the watermark...

Character painting and Enzo Model!!!!

Add VideoThis is my 1st character painting without including the line work. The result is a lot better compared to those with line work. By the way, I got the line work from Artgerm of deviantart. His art work is superb feel free to take a lot at his website.

Finally its modeling time! I do not have the money to buy my dream car.. so I decide to model it... sigh.. Anyway.. it took me few weeks to do it and the material of the car is still not at the best especially the lights...

More human body animation

Now we are using a better model to do a more realistic animation. The 1st one is a tired walk... what I hate about it is.. I have to act it out and take a video of myself! argh.. I looked so horrible... the next one is the throw.. most of my friend are working on basketball and baseball throw but I chose a simple one.. football throw in... hee heee.. I thought it should be easy but there are still lots of things to take note of.. for example fingers... I have to animate every single one.. argh.. it drained lots of my patience..... The last one is a weight lift. I got the reference from the World's Strongest Man competition. I was thinking of making my knees and elbows shake but I was too busy with other work and thats.... ZBRUSH!!!

Photoshop manupulation and touch up techniques

Just learned some very useful Photoshop techniques form my lecturer Alvin. I transformed the empty book to an old "War scroll" (hope I get the word right)... the side of the book looks bad, its more like from parts of a tree... the lighting of the brush is wrong as well... sigh.. the girl looks better right? hee hee.. you are welcome to send me your photo and make yourself look better :P

Digital Painting

These are my very first digital painting. Can you differentiate which apple is real? Hee heee.. but the coloured one is a lot tougher than the apple.. It took me one whole day to finish it and it still looks fake... The last one is the digital portrait. The proportion seems ok but the shading is still bad... its does not look real and I need to work more on the blending....

Onion boy walk animation

We need to work on 2 animations for this onion boy model. One is a normal walk and the other is a 180 turn walk. It gave me a big headache for animating this Onion boy because of its big foot. I need to do lots of tweaking in order for its feet not to cut into the ground and I have to avoid knee pops... but i learned a lot from these and it will sure help me in my future animations. Hope that the quality of the clip is good enough for you to see it clearly...

Life Drawing

This is the only lesson that I dread everyweek and it was also one of my worst subject I guess. The lesson starts from 7pm hrs and ends at 10pm and need draw within minutes while the nude lady was posing... It was extremely tiring (for me) and I lost concentration easily especially after a day of hard work.... However, I feel that this is very important for us as we need to get the posture right if we are going to design some nice characters.

Character Bible - Ninja Elf

This is my character Bible completed 3 months ago.. I spent the entire term break working on it! Although I'm only required to colour four of the poses, I've decided to colour all so that I feel 'complete'. However, it came with a price.... i only slept for 2 hours for the last 3 days of production... It was a killer but at least I'm satisfied. For these, I need to work on my colour and line work to make the material look like metal. In these images, they look plastic. And lots of my friends told me that the girl look like a guy...=_=;...

Chase Scene Animatics

It has been months since I last updated my blog.... I was too busy with my school work and finally, I have some spare time now since the term break is here. Above is a short animatic for part of my story. I spent quite some time trying to get a better angle and make the shot more dynamic but the result still sucks. With regard to the drawings... although it is not well done but at least the line work is clean and it is clear. This is how the storyboard should work, simple and clear line work. Towards the end of the clip, there is no specific shots that shows the guy running was actually the number "69"... should have done better....