Thursday, June 18, 2009

CG overdrive day 3

Today is the 3rd day of CG overdrive and I'm looking forward to the session with Jeremy Cook, Creative director of Possibility Space. Guess what... I was late!!! I worked till 4am in the morning and I forgot to set my alarm. When I wake up, it was already 930 and by the time I reached expo, its almost 11am... I missed half of it!!! Argh!!

Anyway, I'm not sure if Cook or Ryan Church (please let me know if you know who)is the one Feng Zhu mentioned that he beats all 2D artist including himself. If it was Cookm then he was the designer of Optimus Prime in the transfer movie. At first, when I look at Feng Zhu's designs of Star Scream, I was amazed because, he can draw and design it within a few hours. BUT, cook completed the design of Optimus Prime in 3D in just ONE DAY! This includes, designing, modeling, texturing, rigging and even transformation! OMG!!! 2D artist will have to draw everything again if you need to look at it with a different pose, but with 3D, he can do whatever he wants with just a few clicks..... My jaws dropped when heard about it.... It will take me one day just to get the head modeled. Cook also showed us some of the techniques on modeling in 3D and also doing texturing in Photoshop. It looks fantastic and I really feel like taking modeling as my specialization....

The second speaker was Craig Mullins, an Illustrator from USA..... Er.. That’s all for his profile... hmmm... That’s it? Yeah, that’s it. I thought that it was really weird when there was no history and description about him. However, after the session, I can confirm that his Art sense has already surpassed what we consider art. When I asked my friend what is art, some of them actually told me that Art is something that you do not understand. Today, I finally see an artist who is producing art work that is above everyone else. He mentioned something like “Creativity is not to be creative; a good composition is no composition.” I was like…”What!?” all along John (my lecturer) is teaching us about composition and be creative and now Mullins said such things which does not really make sense. Throughout the entire session, I was struggling to understand what Mullins was talking about but with second thought, his level is already far above us. This shows that I still have a really long way to go.

The last speaker of the day was Lee Stringer, CG supervisor of LucasFilm Animation Singapore. He talked about how they created the animation series of Clone Wars on TV and the procedure of producing animation. He also showed us the Office in Singapore and WOW! There are more than 100 of them in the animation department!! After seeing this, I believe that getting in to work in the company is not really so tough, but to be the best and excel from there… It’s not gonna be a smooth ride. Well.. to be the best, I must first try to push myself to be better than others around me (healthy competition of course), if I can’t, then I can forget about moving up in my career.

Ganbatte everyone! Last day tomorrow! :(

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