Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Old Art work 2

Alright.. this is the last old work that I'm gonna post... and yes I'm a dragon ball fan but not the hardcore type who collects their toys or perform any cosplay. Anyway, I think I drew these when I was about 13-14 years old. And I start putting colour and drawing full body. These are not really too bad but the proportions are really way off out especially the full body Gohan. His neck is REALLY LONG!!!

Okie thats all for the boring old work... the next post will be the new drawings I did in class.

OH! I've to thank Liz for helping me to scan the drawings (it was quite a lot and the number is still increasing).. cos my thumb drive dies and she has to "REDO" all the scanning.. Thanks Liz, if you are reading. ^_^

1 comment:

  1. Dragonballllllllz. All time favourite sial

    13-14 yrs old.. wow... thats like a decade and a half ago of work
