Saturday, July 25, 2009

Final project on perspective drawing and portrait

Finally the last piece of perspective drawing. We were asked to draw any environment or object in 1, 2 and 3 point perspective. So I decided to come out with my own design on an environment. Here it is, the floating city. They are one 1, 2 and 3 point perspective respectively. At first, I thought of drawing it with a waterfall, but after KY came over and said "Wow! The city looks nice in the trees..."......................... and I said "thanks." I took out another piece of paper and did what I do best, REDO!!! Argh... my waterfall looks like a tree trunk :( Anyway, I have no choice but to draw it above in the sky with some clouds and birds.... sigh... Oh, the good thing about this drawing is I came out with my own design (although it could have been designed by someone else). The bad thing is there is not much details in these design... well..if only I have more time.

At last!! This last portrait is the best among all my previous work... maybe I'm drawing my dream girl (Zhong Xin Yi) Hee hee. There is still a lot to improve on the shading of the arm but it is definitely better than the very first one that I did... still remember the one(earlier post) that I drew before I joined 3dsense? Yes, its the same girl.. very different right? haha.

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