Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Portrait and Shadows

The 1st 3 are the drawings on how to draw shadows during different time of the day. The 1st one is 7am followed by 10amd and 12am... If you think it is simple... yeah... maybe with this simple tap but if you are drawing complicated shapes such as trees or maybe a helicopter, it will not be as easy... of course this applies only to beginners or student like myself.. hee hee...

The portrait is the one I just drew before I joined 3dsense... it looks horrible right? I know nothing about looking things as shapes or using the grid method.. it took me 3 days to draw this portrait.. and it does not look like her at all... hope she don't get angry if she sees it (I don't think she will even bother to look at my blog anyway haha)... I will draw her again when get better!! I will be posting more portraits... stay tuned. ^_^

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