Saturday, July 18, 2009

My first assignments in 3dsense

This are the first few assignments given to us. The very first one was to draw blocks of different shapes in one point perspective. The second one is observing an images by identifying it as different simple shapes. Can you guess what is actually in the second image? It's a riverbank. Guess not many of you can see it, I will try to look for the original image and upload it later.

The last image was the first "huge" thing that I draw in 3dsense. When John said "You guys are going to design and draw a cowboy town in 1 point perspective." I was like "WHAT?! Just 2 days and you want us to come out with a cowboy town?! It must be a joke!

Well I was stuck for a day and do not know what to do. Luckily, we have Leon in our class and he was the first one to finish the drawing. Like most people who needs example and model answers, finally I was able to draw the cowboy town but mistakes are all over the place. The cart is too small, the "thing" to tie the horse (not sure what you call it, parking lot?) is too low which is more for a kid. The worse is the house behind the church, it suddenly become very short. The proportion is wrong, the wooden planks of the houses are too flat, straight and no texture... last but not least, you seldom see a cowboy town which is so organized and have their buildings lined up in a straight line. I could have placed them more randomly to make it more interesting.

GOD! There are soooo many mistakes in just one drawing!! Gotta work harder!

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