Saturday, July 25, 2009

Story board & portrait

Above were the storyboard I drew for a burger tv commercial. Well....I don't really like it, as sacha (my lecturer) said, the angle is too high and I could have include more acting such as some surprised expression when the 'burgerman' broke into the house. I can also make it more dynamic, maybe the way buurgerman present the burger or I can have lower angle to show different perspectives.
Above are my 1st and 2nd portrait done in 3dsense. It took my 20hrs to get the lady done!... Yes 20 hrs... and I felt exhuasted after the 1st one.. now when I look at it, I feel that the proportion is out and the shading is very..... cartoonie?

The second one is the ... sigh... I don't really like to draw man and his hair is extremely tedious!!! I was stucked drawing his hair for almost 5 hrs... glad that I can still submit in time.. This time I took about 18 hours.. a little faster.... I need to speed up! By the way, do you think that he looks like Chow Yun Fat when he gets old? hahaha

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