Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Perspective and shadows

The 1st drawing is the one I hate most so far. Guess what... I redo it 5 times!!!! and it took me 10 hrs!!!!! And that's how I get the nick name "Redo King" in my class. Why I redo so many times? Its a long story but in short, it was either missing something or I drew it too big that I can't fit it in an A3 paper. The worst thing was the drawing is sooo ugly when I finished it! Argh!!

The 2nd and 3rd drawing were about shadows. hmm...Nothing really special about it.

The last one is to design a cannibal village. Although this is the 1st drawing that I feel acceptable but there are still many things to improve. There is no shadow, and it looks like a 'normal' cannibal village. I need to be more creative and add in something which is believable but it is not seen in any stereotyped cannibal village. Maybe I can draw it on a mountain cliff or waterfall.

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